Non-Drinking Challenge: Avoid the drama at thanksgiving dinner — don't drink
Here are three ways to avoid alcohol this Thanksgiving.
Wouldn’t you rather be early Black Friday shopping and scoring all the deals, than being wasted at 8 p.m. at night with your family? If you’re trying to avoid arguments with your loved ones over a few too many glasses of wine, we have the perfect non-drinking challenge for you. Here are the rules — there are three ways to try this non-drinking challenge and you choose whatever fits best for you.
Cold Turkey
// most difficult level //
This is the most extreme variation of the challenge. For this level, keep the Thanksgiving turkey, but ditch the alcohol cold turkey (pun intended on this one). Trade the Titos Soda for this Dram Sparkling water and swap the drama for peace.
2. Every other
// medium level //
Still want to sip on rosé? OK! Try every other glass with this sparkling non-al rosé from Surely. Pouring this non-al option in between your sips on rosé will “surely” prevent you from making any rude comments to your family about their eccentric political views.
3. Unspike the drinks
// switch it up //
Tell your family ahead of time you’re bringing non-al options and will randomly swap out their alcoholic beverages with non-al options. We love Free Spirits Gin, Ritual Tequila and Surely Wines. The results: number one, you’ll probably fight less, and number two, you all won’t be tipsy by 7 p.m.